The Adventures Of Sid Our Practice Pet, Continued………………………….


Hello everyone,

Well I have been busy. The bank holiday saw me as guest of honor at the local scout camp; 100 scouts descend on my house for 3 days camping. They have a great time, but the work that goes on behind the scenes, I have to patrol the site, picking up any scraps, checking that all food is properly cooked and edible, and lastly making sure that nothing goes to waste which can be recycled. This last job is my favorite but occupies hours of my time and it is always a relief to return home to bed after supper.

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Last week saw the sponsored walk from our Claines surgery. It was a great day out. We walked along the river with swimming stops and photo opportunities. I demonstrated my favorite trick of bounding through the long grass as fast as possible in huge circles (I overheard one person describing me as ‘magnificent’.) Finally we returned to the surgery for cakes, raising over £400.00 for Sheila Tremellan and P.U.P.S, a charity which helps puppies which have been abandoned. Thank you so much to everyone that came along and supported the day, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and hope you did too. Watch this space for next years date!

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I still manage to maintain these high levels of activity despite my advancing years. Few people would believe it, but I am 8 years old now which puts me into the category of a senior dog. Because I have my yearly vaccine at the surgery this means that I get a free 6 month check up as well as a urine test all as a part of the senior health program that they run. To date I have had no problems to report, apart from my usual issues with dental hygiene, but it does give me the confidence to continue with my busy social program. For more information on senior health checks just visit our website at

Bye for now
paw print


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