The adventures of Sid the practice pet continued……..


Hi, Sid here again,

And a very happy Sid I am too! We have had half term so I have been to the beach and when we get back, as spring is just around the corner , and we have just had valentines, Sputnik is being neutered. Ha about time too! That kitten pounces on my tail as if it was a mouse, so neutering him may bring him down a peg or two. Neutering pets is very important you know, as much as I hate to talk about it, there are many health benefits to having us neutered, especially us dogs. I know I have already told you this before  , but in case you have forgotten, my dad does keyhole surgery at our Claines clinic. It’s an amazing piece of equipment and it makes the operation to neuter the girls so much less invasive. They don’t have as much pain and the recovery time is much quicker. So lads, if you live with a female and she has keyhole surgery…..and then moans about the pain….well she’s exaggerating take it from me.

Sid and Sputnik

At the time of being neutered Sputnik is going to have a microchip put in. A brilliant idea for cats, with their ability to disappear off adventuring. They’re certainly not faithful pets like us dog’s. Microchipping dogs will become compulsory on April 1st next year and this month (March) is the last month that the surgery is offering free chipping for dogs, in association with the Dogs Trust. So if you have not had your microchip done yet, tell your owners that it is now urgent, or you will miss out.

Hundreds of us dogs are now chipped; in fact most of the dogs that come into our surgeries are. Come on cats you need to catch us up! These chips are routinely scanned when your vaccination is done. be sure to get your owners to update the petlog register if their details change though. We have had several animals come in that have the chip but alas! The owners phone numbers changed. I do feel sorry for these guys as they head up to the dogs home.

We do look after you at my dad’s surgery, however young or old you are, puppy classes are a hoot. Meet Beanz in the picture below, he loved it.


Every Wednesday night at our Droitwich Surgery all young pups are invited along for a bit of a party. Boy do they know how to party! These classes are free to clients having their puppies vaccinated at the surgery.

Well that’s all for today,

See you all soon.

paw print


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